Ludhiana, Punjab (KP) – A recent bomb blast that took place at the city's Shingar Cinema left six dead and over 30 injured. Immediately, authorities began to point fingers as Sikh organizations without studying the evidence. The bomb blast took place this past Sunday when the cinema hall was packed with mainly poor migrant workers who had come to watch the premier of the latest Bollywood comedy movie.
Forensic Science specialists have confirmed that about 500 grams of RDX was used in the blast. Initially it was held by Punjab Police officials that ammonium nitrate and calcium sulfate could have been used along with RDX, but the specialists have ruled out this speculation.
Although so far no group has come forward to take credit for the blast, the Punjab Police Officials had announced less than 6 hours after the attacks took place that the Sikh freedom groups, Babbar Khalsa International Organization and the Khalsa Commando Force were likely to be behind the attacks. It is also being explained that the Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HuJI) organization which has roots in Bangladesh could have collaborated with the Khalistani freedom organizations on the blast.
Where the Punjab Police officials should have been commended for their swift efforts of unraveling the mysterious plot of the blast, they have actually become the subject of much disparagement by the people of Punjab. Panthic organizations too have lashed out at the Punjab Police for not finding any firm proof even though days have passed since the blast took place.
Capt. Amarinder Singh, the former Punjab Chief Minister, suggested that the Punjab Police should do investigation work into finding the actual criminals behind the blast. He held that in the past, the police teams have put the blame on organizations such as the Babbar Khalsa and other organizations without any forethought on the evidence present.
Former Punjab Chief Minister also suggested that Parkash Badal's Government should hold meetings of all party officials to come up with solutions to these problems. He said that ever since the new Government has been formed, the communal harmony of Punjab has been disturbed.
Punjab Police however is swift in its stand of putting the blame on the Babbar Khalsa Organization. Police officials have come forward to accept the latest revelations of the forensic science team and have stated that in the past, Babbar Khalsa has used RDX in many of its operations. The Shingar Cinema incident is also being allegedly linked to the bomb blasts that took place in New Delhi, even though those were shown not to have any links to Sikh groups.
Similar to the "guess and blame" strategy of the Punjab Police, New Delhi also had failed to find any evidence in the tragic bomb blasts and put the blame on Babbar Khalsa International—as during that time, they needed Jagtar Singh Hawara to swear in some court cases that were pending there. Hawara, however, openly condemned the Delhi blasts in the court hearings and held that the Babbar Khalsa Organization was committed to form a separate Sikh Nation but it has never targeted innocents in any of its operations as that is against Sikh ethics.
In recent press reports, the Babbar Khalsa and Dal Khalsa has openly codemned Ludhiana incident and stated that their organizations had nothing to do with the violence. A Babbar Khalsa spokesman stated that harming innocent civilians was against the tenants of the Sikh religion.

Bhai Avtar Singh Babbar (Pehlvan) became associated with Babbar Khalsa International because it was said that this group ran completely according to Sikh principles and the workers are all very dedicated to religious matters. In his earlier life, Bhai Avtar Singh was not firm in his religious beliefs but later, he faced such circumstances that he became ready to sacrifice his all and die for the Sikh faith and Sikh interests. |