Sikh Women Gain Voting Rights at Bristol Gurdwara
The Sikh Times, Aug. 31, 2008
Photo: Bristol Gurdwara
Come join with me, my sisters,
And sing songs of joy and delight.
My true friends have arrived in my home!
--Guru Nanak, Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh scripture), p. 764
The Sikh religion preaches and promotes equal rights for women. Female subordination, the practice of taking a father's or a husband's last name, practicing rituals that imply dependence are all alien to Sikh principles. Yet in the last 400 years, most Sikh institutions have been run by Sikh men. In the West, it is often elderly men whose concerns and politics are back in India.
--Walayti Singh Chauhan, current President of the Bristol Gurdwara
On October 14 2007, the management committee of the Sikh gurdwara (temple) at Fishponds Road, Bristol, U.K. voted seven to one for women's suffrage. The lone opposing vote was cast by the then General Secretary Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti.
In the following weeks and months no confirmation of the historic reform was announced to the Sikh sangat (congregation). In response to this silence, several Sikh women met with the Gurdwara President Walayti Singh Chauhan. He agreed that the decision would be announced and confirmed in a letter to the Sikh community.
'Walayti Singh took the brave step and put the committee's agreement of October 2007 onto paper, knowing that he may face resentment.' Gurdip Kaur, a member and women's rights activist in her 60s, said, 'He is responsible for ensuring that the basic tenets of Sikhi (Sikhism) were enforced; to treat all humankind as equals. He stood up for what is right.'
Sikh women from Bristol have been demanding their right to vote in gurdwara elections for decades. According to Gurdip Kaur, 'Over seventy-five letters were sent to gurdwara committees over the last twenty-five years regarding total equality for Sikh women. These letters have all been disregarded.'
President Walayti Singh also supported the women's plans to celebrate their success at an upcoming event. Six female Sikh speakers were contacted and several notable non-Sikhs were asked to speak including Dave Chapple, the national chair of the U.K. National Shop Stewards Network.
However, General Secretary Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti refused to allow more than two women speakers and would not approve any non-Sikh speakers.
The president and the women activists complied with the general secretary's wishes and only two Sikh women spoke on Sunday, May 4. The outside speakers were cancelled. The activists felt that the most important part was that Sikh women had gotten the vote.
After the women spoke, General Secretary Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti took to the podium and strongly urged against women's suffrage. He did not acknowledge that the management committee had already approved the reform.
From the perspective of the congregation, the general secretary stood on the right side of the podium and the president stood on the left. While General Secretary Mohinderjit Singh was attempting to persuade the congregation to reverse the women's victory, Gurudip Kaur approached President Walayti Singh and asked if she might speak. He agreed and she was handed the microphone when he concluded his own speech. Seeing this, the general secretary crossed the podium and took the microphone from Gurudip Kaur despite her resistance. The following uproar resulted in a ten-minute shouting match.
Javinder Singh, who would soon be elected the new general secretary of the committee, noted, 'Seeing an insult against an elderly woman of this sort was unbelievable; this act was totally deplorable and extremely sad.'
In response to this incident, President Walayti Singh Chauhan suspended Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti from the role of general secretary, asking him to return gurdwara documents in his possession until the incident could be investigated. The gurdwara election, scheduled for May 11, 2008, was postponed so that women members had time to register to vote and to let things cool down.
But in the days after the incident Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti failed to return the gurdwara documents. After three formal requests, legal counsel was sought by President Walayti Singh and legal proceedings were launched to retrieve the documents. The documents contained minutes of committee meetings and records of decisions made.
Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti ceased attending gurdwara services and so did the vice president and vice treasurer of the committee. His backers now included three out of the eight members of the gurdwara's management committee, although they had originally voted for women's suffrage in October 2007.
Seeking a quick election before the women could register, Mohinderjit Singh's group went to the Bristol police. They explained that Walayti Singh's term as gurdwara president was already up and they felt he had no right to postpone the election. The police agreed to mediate the dispute using five representatives from each side. Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti's side was composed of older men, all born in the Punjab. The women's suffrage group included a wide range of ages, with both sexes represented, four born in the U.K. and one in India. They met with the police once.
Over two weeks, plus a few extra days' extension, Sikh women registered. By the end of this period, 170 Sikh women were ready to vote. With suffrage established, three women, Narindar Kaur, Anita Kaur and Sheila Kaur, pursued management committee positions. They became part of the pro-suffrage team, with Walayti Singh Chauhan running for another term as gurdwara president.
On election day, Sikh voters would cast only one vote, choosing one management committee team or the other. Although Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti was not on the ballot, his brother ran for the position of general secretary. On the other side, Walayti Singh's team offered the Sikh community a revolutionary new committee with men and women, and adults of all ages.
The pro-women's-suffrage slate was comprised of Walayti Singh Chauhan (president), Shamsher Singh Patel (vice president), Javinder Singh (general secretary), Satchet Singh (vice general secretary), Kuldip Singh (treasurer), Narindar Kaur (vice treasurer), Anita Kaur (langar jathedar), and Sheila Kaur (vice langar jathedar).
The anti-women's-suffrage slate was comprised of Raghir Singh Nirman (president), Baldev Singh (vice president), Mohanjit Singh Bhatti (general secretary), Jaswant Singh (vice general secretary), Mohan Singh (treasurer), Satnam Singh Amritsaria (vice treasurer), Harpal Singh (langar jathedar), and Raju Singh (vice langar jathedar).
Mohinderjit Singh hired an attorney and requested that the attorney be allowed to be present during the negotiations. When the police firmly declined this request, Mohinderjit Singh's group decided to stop attending the meetings. Instead, they informed the police that the election would be held on July 6, 2008. They added that they were hiring a private security firm to keep the peace on election day.
However, Bhatti's team did not inform the Sikh congregation adequately about the election. Many Sikhs worshiping that Sunday did not know that it was an election day.
Fearing an outbreak in violence the Bristol police interceded and dismissed the hired security guards. They insisted that proper voting procedures be in place prior to the election. They asked for two members from each side to meet with them immediately. Over the next few weeks the two sides successfully negotiated the details of the upcoming election and signed a contract.
Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti's side was asked by the police to stop sending out letters to the sangat, as this was confusing the members. It was agreed that an independent voting company should be brought in. The Association of Electoral Administrators agreed to conduct the election. Voting registration was again extended to allow the traditionally-minded Sikh women, who do not believe in their right to vote, to register to vote. The voting company insisted that the registration be complete a week before the election and that the final voting list be just that, the final voting list.
For the next two weeks Sikh women were encouraged to register to vote and on the last day they extended the registration by a few hours so that the latecomers standing in line could finish registering.
Yet on July 27, 2008, two days after registration had closed and the voting list had been finalized, Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti's team insisted that they had seventy-nine more women they needed to register. The voting company refused, citing the contracts in place.
'The anti-women's-suffrage side were in fear that their power would be cut off forever. So they were doing everything possible to win,' Javinder Singh, the new general secretary, commented. 'They knew if they lost it would be the end for their sort.'
Election Day
On Sunday morning, August 3, 2008, many Sikhs from both sides arrived at the gurdwara at 8 A.M. Voting would begin at 10 A.M. Tensions were running high. The seventy-nine Sikh women who had not made the registration deadline - women who were angry that they were denied their right to vote against their right to vote - were vocal. The police blockaded the street and the media arrived. One Sikh man was arrested but later released. Some of the seventy-nine women and their supporters surrounded the voting company manager's car in protest.
'The Association of Electoral Administrators was very patient during the negotiation leading up to the elections,' reported Javinder Singh. 'They were understanding, firm and fair throughout the election process. They ensured the elections were conducted independently and professionally.'
Fifteen minutes before the election was due to start the police called a meeting of both sides, which delayed the election for two hours. The pro-women's-suffrage side offered to let 80% of the unregistered women register and the voting company agreed. This offer was angrily dismissed and Mohinderjit Singh and his supporters boycotted the election.
The election, although delayed, went forward. 93% of the votes went to the pro-women's-suffrage team with Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti's side receiving only 4% of the vote. Seemingly, even if the anti-women's-suffrage side had voted - including all seventy-nine late registering Sikh women - Mohinderjit Singh Bhatti's side would have lost.
'We commend the Avon & Somerset police for their understanding of the situation that we found ourselves in,' said newly-re-elected President Walayti Singh Chauhan. 'It was a great job done. They were sensitive and respectful of the Sikh principles at all times.'
Javinder Singh, the new general secretary added, 'When the women bowed to our holy Sikh scripture (Guru Granth Sahib), our Guruji, to accept their official duties, they glowed with a happiness and joy that seemed almost transcendent to me. I realized I had never seen that look on the faces of those Sikh women before and that made me determined to keep fighting for the rights of Sikh sisters and women everywhere.'

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
02 September 2008
Sikh Women At Bristol Gurdwara Find Their Voice - Follow Up
Kamalla Rose Kaur was good enough to send this expansion of the post on 8 August 2008, Sikh Women At Bristol Gurdwara Find Their Voice. There is much more to this story than I had guessed. How great that these Kaurs are finally being treated as equals! And how sad that it took so long and such strife for what is - or should be - our birthright! As I have said, we Singhnis need to find our voice ourselves. If wait wait for our dear Singhs to do, we'll be waiting a long, long time!
Sikh Murders Sikh At Gurdwara In California

On the other hand, a Sikh with spikey hair?!
Please, if you have any information, let the cops know (see end of article). But don't collect money for turning in a brother, please. That's just not right!
Sacramento area sports crowd holds suspect after killing
News Source:
Spectators at a large Sikh sports festival in south Sacramento County pummeled a gunman in the crowd with field hockey sticks and cricket bats Sunday after he fatally shot a young man and injured another, sheriff's deputies said.
The brazen shootings occurred at approximately 1:20 p.m. as the victims watched games at the Sacramento Sikh Society Sports Complex in the 7600 block of Bradshaw Road, not far from the Sikh temple, or Gurdwara Sahib, deputies said.
Detectives said they did not know the specific motive for the shootings, but said the assault did not appear to be related to any conflict over the games. The gunman and an accomplice who fled the scene apparently had some ongoing dispute and planned to find their targets at the event, they said.
"We believe the victims were targeted, and the suspects knew the victims were here," sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Tim Curran said.
The county Coroner's Office identified the dead man as Parmjit Pamma Singh, 26, of the East Bay community of Bay Point, near Pittsburg. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
The other victim, identified only as a 38-year-old man, was sent to UC Davis Medical Center in serious condition, officials said.
The shootings prompted several nearby spectators to turn on the assailants with the sports equipment at hand. One suspect got away while the other was beaten and held by spectators until deputies arrived, Curran said.
"The crowd was armed with cricket bats and field hockey sticks. They didn't hold back in telling us that they hit him," Curran said.
That suspect is being treated for "multiple contusions" at the medical center, Curran said. Deputies said they would not release his name until he was booked into jail.
The Sheriff's Department issued a press release Sunday night asking the public's help in finding a 24-year-old Elk Grove man whom several witnesses saw leaving the scene shortly after the shooting. The release identified the man as Amandeep Singh Dhami and described him as East Indian, 5 feet 11 inches tall and 200 pounds.
Detectives said Dhami "may have information vital to the case and we would like to speak to him."
Organizers aborted the tournament, and deputies cordoned the playing fields and held hundreds of spectators at the complex parking lot until they could talk to them. The vehicle-by-vehicle interviews lasted more than four hours.
Deputies recovered two handguns but found few witnesses to the shootings.
Most in the crowd at the time were attending youth field hockey games and a footrace at other fields in the complex.
"At first we thought it was the pistol to start the race, but then we heard more shots," said Herinder Singh of Hayward, whose son played in the hockey games.
Hundreds of people from the Sacramento Valley, the Bay Area, Arizona and western Canada attended the event, called the Gurmukh Singh Johal Memorial Tournament.
Anyone with information on the shootings or whereabouts of Dhami is asked to call the Sheriff's Department at (916) 874-5115, or Crime Alert at (916) 443-HELP. Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
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