So much ugliness going on in the Panth right now. I see nothing that I can write right now that won't increase the divisiveness and the in-fighting. I refuse to participate in this destructive behaviour. I will make just a few statements on where I stand.
I use the Sikh Rehat Maryada as the blueprint for my daily life.
I believe that all Sikhs should either be Amritdhari or working toward that as a goal. I do not, however, judge or condemn those who are not. Each of us is where s/he is on this journey and it is not for me to judge.
All that happens is the Hukam of Vaheguru.
I support the establishment of Khalistan as an independent nation as the Sikh homeland. I have decided to take a break from writing.
In the fight between Akaal Takht and Darshan Singh, there is enough blame to go around.
In Vaisakhi parades, in fact in all Sikh events, we have the right to display pictures of whomever we choose.
A kirpan used as an offensive weapon ceases to be an article of faith and becomes just a knife or a sword.
I hope the proven innocence of the granthi in Canada accused of rape is widely publicised. (It won't be.)
No enemy from outside can ever defeat the Sikhs, especially the Khalsa.
I wish my sisters and brothers would quit fighting. I refuse to take sides. I cannot take sides. "When your brothers and sisters are fighting, do you want them to kill each other, or do you just want them to stop?"
I am learning to make GIF animations. Be kind, I am a beginner.
I have made one on a subject that all Sikhs that I know can agree with.

I am taking a vacation. When the air clears enough for me to breathe I'll be back.