I hope a few of you read this today. I know Vaisakhi Celebrations are in full swing and even here in the States, I had not intended to do any posting today. However, this has come up and, since it is about a gathering tomorrow, I will put it up at once.
I wrote about the proposed revisions to Canadian immigration laws a few days ago. Now, it seems the Conservative Government is determined to go ahead. They must be stopped. This is the notice I got from the Sikh Activist Network a few minutes ago.
In accordance to point #3 of the Sikh Activist Network Platform, which states
"We demand an end to the racist war on immigrants and refugees. We demand an end to the deportations and status for all. No human is illegal."
The Sikh Activist Network urges all Toronto based activists to moblize in effort to stop the racist immigration policies of the Conservative Government.
If you are interested in attending with The Sikh Activist Network, please reply to this msg.
On April 13th, the Punjabi Press Club of Canada will be holding a public meeting to discuss the changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
What: Public Meeting on Changes to Immigration Act
When: April 13th 2008 at 12:30PM
Where: Royal Banquet Hall
185 Statesman Dr., Mississauga
Derry Rd and Hurontario St.
Tel. 905-564-7895
In attendance will at this public meeting will be,
NDP Immigration critic Ms. Olivia Chow MP, Liberal MP Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, Member of Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, Dr. Ruby Dhala MP, Hon., Harinder Takhar, Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Kuldip Kular MPP, Amrit Mangat MPP and many more...
Community leaders will speak about this change in immigration act and it's impact on Canadian Ethnic Communities.
If you are interested in attending with The Sikh Activist Network, please reply to this msg.
On March 14th 2008, the Conservative government introduced a series of amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act buried in Bill c-50, the ‘budget implementation bill’. This fundamentally undemocratic move sneaks in critical changes to Canada’s immigration policy without proposing any of those changes before Parliament. These sweeping changes will give enormous and arbitrary powers to the Minister around application processing, while perpetuating a racist and anti-poor agenda of setting immigration agendas based on ‘labour market needs’. In respose to an overwhelming negative response to these amendements- including the Canadian Bar Association- the Immigration Minister has recently been forced to attempt to spin these regressive changes as being guided by the principles of ‘fairness’!
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I wrote about the proposed revisions to Canadian immigration laws a few days ago. Now, it seems the Conservative Government is determined to go ahead. They must be stopped. This is the notice I got from the Sikh Activist Network a few minutes ago.
In accordance to point #3 of the Sikh Activist Network Platform, which states
"We demand an end to the racist war on immigrants and refugees. We demand an end to the deportations and status for all. No human is illegal."
The Sikh Activist Network urges all Toronto based activists to moblize in effort to stop the racist immigration policies of the Conservative Government.
If you are interested in attending with The Sikh Activist Network, please reply to this msg.
On April 13th, the Punjabi Press Club of Canada will be holding a public meeting to discuss the changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
What: Public Meeting on Changes to Immigration Act
When: April 13th 2008 at 12:30PM
Where: Royal Banquet Hall
185 Statesman Dr., Mississauga
Derry Rd and Hurontario St.
Tel. 905-564-7895
In attendance will at this public meeting will be,
NDP Immigration critic Ms. Olivia Chow MP, Liberal MP Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, Member of Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, Dr. Ruby Dhala MP, Hon., Harinder Takhar, Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Kuldip Kular MPP, Amrit Mangat MPP and many more...
Community leaders will speak about this change in immigration act and it's impact on Canadian Ethnic Communities.
If you are interested in attending with The Sikh Activist Network, please reply to this msg.
On March 14th 2008, the Conservative government introduced a series of amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act buried in Bill c-50, the ‘budget implementation bill’. This fundamentally undemocratic move sneaks in critical changes to Canada’s immigration policy without proposing any of those changes before Parliament. These sweeping changes will give enormous and arbitrary powers to the Minister around application processing, while perpetuating a racist and anti-poor agenda of setting immigration agendas based on ‘labour market needs’. In respose to an overwhelming negative response to these amendements- including the Canadian Bar Association- the Immigration Minister has recently been forced to attempt to spin these regressive changes as being guided by the principles of ‘fairness’!
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