This is from a posting to IHRO yesterday. It reproduced many grueling pictures from Gaza such as I published in the previous post and then these pictures from the Qassam rocket attack(s) . I needed to look up Qassam; here's the definition:
Qassam rocket, Kassam rocket, primitive home-made rocket produced by the Palestinian Hamas made of iron (2.5 to 3 millimeters thick) filled with explosives
Now on to these pictures of the carnage in Israel:
We have heard the Palestinian side of the story, as you can see from the images below:
followed by gruesome pictures like those I posted last time, followed by:
Now, let's see the other side of the story, shall we?
The carnage, the destruction, the annihilation, the pain, and the (the next word is cut off).


This is from a posting to IHRO yesterday. It reproduced many grueling pictures from Gaza such as I published in the previous post and then these pictures from the Qassam rocket attack(s) . I needed to look up Qassam; here's the definition:
Qassam rocket, Kassam rocket, primitive home-made rocket produced by the Palestinian Hamas made of iron (2.5 to 3 millimeters thick) filled with explosives
Now on to these pictures of the carnage in Israel:
We have heard the Palestinian side of the story, as you can see from the images below:
followed by gruesome pictures like those posted last time, followed by:
Now, let's see the other side of the story, shall we?
The carnage, the destruction, the annihilation, the pain, and the (the next word is cut off).