Commenting on yesterday's post about Brother Laibar Singh Ji's alleged - I still haven't been able to confirm it - statement thay he is ready to return to India, Darcey of Dust my Broom complains that I didn't include a link to his article. I now rectify this. In fact, I'll go farther than a mere link; I'll provide you with his article.

Darcey, I think that dig about " dagger wielding terrorist thugs " is a bit much. And that should be "you're," not "your."
I am currently in the middle of a war of words in the comment section of this post and would be most grateful for any support you, our loyal readers might give. I am reprinting on the article, not the comments. Please go there and read and add your voice to counter all these antiSikh comments.
Please notice that some of these comments go beyond statements against illegal immigrants all the way to antiSikh statements!
Darcey's article:
I am currently in the middle of a war of words in the comment section of this post and would be most grateful for any support you, our loyal readers might give. I am reprinting on the article, not the comments. Please go there and read and add your voice to counter all these antiSikh comments.
Please notice that some of these comments go beyond statements against illegal immigrants all the way to antiSikh statements!
Darcey's article:
Laibar Singh: Thanks for all the milk Canada but I'm heading home
Written by Darcey
Thursday, 23 October 2008
It seems like just yesterday that extremist Sikhs gathered around by the thousands at the Vancouver National Airport and threatened violence against Canadian officials who were trying to deport illegal scumbag Laibar Singh. In the end Canada lost and they let him seek sanctuary in various Sikh temples around the lower mainland who ended up passing him around like a hot potato when the hundreds of thousands of dollars pledged by community leaders never materialized.
Then it came out that the amazing paralyzed community draw was never paralyzed to begin with and then those same community leaders slash former terrorists realized they were in a losing public relations battle and formed a coalition to send Laibar home with a couple grand. He refused and got wheeled over to another temple and the media storm quietly died away but I never forgot, either him or his thug team with their little gay daggers threatening our country:
A paralyzed refugee claimant who sought refuge in B.C. Sikh temples says he is ready to leave his sanctuary and return to India.
Laibar Singh has been living in various temples since he was ordered deported more than a year ago, successfully avoiding three attempts to deport him from the country.
Now Swarn Gill, president of the Abbotsford temple where Mr. Singh is living, says the widower misses his four children back home in India.
Mr. Gill says Mr. Singh also fears he could be arrested if he leaves the temple because officials with the Canada Border Services Agency have warned him that's what will happen.
Mr. Gill says the paralyzed man, in his 50s, no longer has hope that the Canadian government will allow him to stay in Canada on compassionate grounds.
Mr. Singh used a false passport to enter Canada in 2003 and fled from Toronto to Vancouver, where he suffered an aneurysm that left him paralyzed. (Globe and Mail)
The fad is over. When he finally goes it will enable Canadians to thumb their noses once again at that damn Economist article - Canada: A haven for villains. Now will somebody please wheel this scumbag out of my sight and toss on a few of those dagger wielding terrorist thugs while your at it.