Vaheguru has blessed the Saadh Sangat. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj has come to the aid of his Khalsa children..The Canadian Border Service is honouring the gurdwara as sanctuary - for now. Once again our dear brother has been pulled back from the edge of the precipice.
No One Is Illegal-Toronto along with various Sikh Youth Activists and Organizations will be hosting a press release for the media tomorrow. For those interested in attending and/or speaking, it will be taking place at 10am, 25 St. Clair East. Downtown Toronto."
UPDATE - 1O January 1:30 PM
I have no new information, but I do have a couple of blogs you will like to check out. The first, Dust My Broom, by His Tory-ness Darcey, actually quotes this post! Darcey, this is a war only in a symbolic sense, sort of David and Goliath, to get biblical.
The second blog, maisonneuve, presents a more balanced view of the case and contains some excellent news links that I'm too worn out to put in here. It's worth a read.
UPDATE - 1:30 AM
(What's the matter with you, woman; have you forgotten how to sleep?)
I came across this rather compelling and hopeful - for us - article that suggests that the CBS will, in practical terms, have to let Laibar Ji stay because they've bungled things so badly up to this point. From The Province. (Shouldn't someone explain to them that it's no disgrace to be defeated by the Sikhs? Or maybe not, just leave well enough alone.)
And India eNews is suggesting that the 'White' community is a bit annoyed with the CBSA's seeming inability to deport Uncle Laibar Ji. Well, the word they actually used is 'outraged.'
UPDATE - 10:00 PM
No new news links this time. I wrote and published a post on sometimes - 2, my personal blog about my life in roughly the last 24 hours. I think some of you would enjoy reading it; if so, go here. It will probably be cross posted over here eventually, but for now, I want to leave this as the lead post on this blog. Now I am going to check out my e-mail. I see there are now 55 unread messages. Sheesh. Most of them will be from the Gurmat Learning Zone (GLZ) and the International Human Rights Organisation (IHRO), two groups I belong to. Those can wait, if necessary. But some few will be personal to me and those need to be answered. So off I go. (I most sincerely hope there are no Laibar Singh Google Alert Updates! A futile wish, I know. Actually I got no more updates until around 1:30 AM)
UPDATE - 5:00 PM
A couple of new links
From India eNews, an article.
From MediaScrape, a CBC video
.Here is the story from The Vancouver Sun (Kim Bolan's newspaper.)
And here is a link to a blogger who was there from the Hammond Face.
And here is the print story from CBC, along with a link to the video. Here is a direct link to their comments. Please voice your support for Laibar Ji here, and remember to be calm and well mannered whatever you may read others writing about him and us..
And from The Province. Be sure to read the comments, or at least a few of them. Such hatred!
Photo from The Vancouver Sun.
Thanks for the link back Mai.