Frankly, I no longer care who is to blame. We are all responsible!
I have no time to write a good post today, so just look at the pictures. Then write your governmental representatives of your country to put an end to this murder of innocent children! If enough of us insist and don't quit insisting, they will listen. Do it now, this minute! How many will die horribly while you hesitate?
I have come under considerable fire for harping on this horror that is Gaza. No matter. I will continue harping until it is resolved or I am dead!

Dearest Mata Mai Ji:
ReplyDeleteThank you for speaking out.
Children are apolitical voiceless beings, who do not deserve to be the recipients of the hateful and often violent disputes of adults...
So small, that you can fit more than one little body on an autopsy table. Chilling and disturbing.
Ang Sang Waheguru!
Dearest Bhainji PK ji - It hurts for so many reasons. I cannot understand why. I don't want to understand why. I just want it to quit.
ReplyDeleteThat mother with her baby so much reminds me of myself clutching Sandeep before I washed his bloody face as he lay dead on the floor.
Sometimes, it is hard to remain in chardi kala. None the less
God would like us to be joyful, even when our hearts lie panting on the floor... from L'Chaim , Fiddler On The Roof
^ Such a befitting quote...I JUST watched fiddler on the roof...
ReplyDeleteThis made me sick to the pit of my stomach - what the hell is going on?? These are CHILDREN!!
Benti - please everyone do as Bhenji has said and write to your rep's!!!
My dear sister Shanu Kaur ji - Thanks for the visit and comment. I actually have an answer to thge question, Why children? as explained to me some years ago by someone who supported such actions - neither Sikh nor Israeli, let me add. Prepare to puke, here it is:
ReplyDelete"Children grow up to be adults. And killing them really demoralises the parents, too. So getting the kids kills two birds with one stone!"
Of course, that doesn't work with Sikhs. Remember the mothers with their children's body parts made into necklaces!
This whole situation in Gaza must be resolved in a humane way. We can't bring back the dead, that is God's job. We can help the living.
i havent stopped crying for some time Mai...i have followed your instruction and linked on my blog. But our reps will do nothing.. who is working there? The REd Cross? How can we help get the children out of there?
ReplyDeleteDear sister HDWK - I honestly don't know what we as individuals can do. I am currently residing in the USA and I'd like to see all aid to Israel and Egypt cut off at once until Gaza is opened up again. Israel and Egypt could do that at once if they so chose.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be the Red Cresent in Gaza.
We can scream and holler and be sure our voices are heard.
We can pray.
I am a person of action and to be so unable to take any real action is frustrating beyond words. I guess I'll just keep writing.
Maybe the pen is mightier than the sword, but I'd feel quite righteous drawing the sword in this event. I just don't know who against or how to reach them
o my god!
ReplyDeletei have wanted to chuck everything and go volunteer in Gaza but ethere are so many gazas all over the world. Our gaza is in the northeast....
Dear Sarah Islam ji - I had to check your profile to see what "the northeast" might be.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that if you went to Gaza, you probably couldn't even get in at this point. Even food aid isn't getting in. I just read a story about a Gaza family eating grass to stay alive.
The only thing we can do, as I see it, is to make sure the world knows what is going on. If you would be willing to post these pictures, I would be happy to send the html of this post to you - or anyone else who would like to post it.
Our only hope to actually stop this is to get the world so riled up that there is a global insistence to stop it. Please e-mail CNN, Reuters, UP, Times of India, etc., all the news agencies, demanding daily, prominent coverage.
Of course, we must keep praying.
And neverlose hope.
"With all its sham and drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world."
Chardi kala!
Considering what's going on today and what has recently happened, I am deeply saddened. Btw, that explanation for why children is chilling and heartbreaking, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteSS ji - Yes, I have more pictures, heartbreaking, as well, to post about the current bomardment. I am procrasinating. That mind will only take so much.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your ppost